Understanding Who you are getting Consent from, for What & How?
Businesses are required to obtain specific consent before messaging their prospects and customers. Each regulation such as Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), General Data Protection Rights (GDPR), Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), or California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) ,- California or the new California law, makes is mandatory for each business to obtain specific consent. SMS Magic has created an extensive framework which serves as a guideline for you to define
- Who you are messaging (Customers, Prospects)
- What you are messaging and obtain specific consent for that content (Type of messages or Content)
- How you are obtaining the Consent (using different methods)
There are several considerations in choosing your Consent options. Consult our 3 Keys to Messaging Consents for a guideline. We advise consulting your attorneys before deciding on the Messaging consents.