
Conversations are list of incoming and outgoing messages threaded together based on sender ID and customer phone number. Further categorisation of conversations is possible with the help of global filters which enables us to list conversations based on objects, containers( converse apps/ campaigns/ custom list views). In addition, we maintain the status of each conversation thread based on unread, not responded, close and open conversations.

With SMS Magic, Contextual Messaging is easy cake, we maintain context of conversations and let you show all related conversations with just a click in converse desk. In addition, we maintain context of conversation on each object record with conversation view, utility bar inbox and sidebar inbox. 

We solve messaging for sales, service, marketing and other teams and below are key use cases that gets you quickly started on below 3 sections:

  1. Managing responses to Customers
  2. Messaging Alerts/Notifications 
  3. Working as an Effective Team

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