Businesses capturing the recipients explicit Messenger opt-ins as per the Facebook Messenger Platform Policy guidelines can use our out of box compliance configuration feature to setup and enforce compliance checks for Facebook Messenger outbound messages.
1. Consent capturing and enforcing the compliance check for Facebook messaging is applicable on top of 24 hr session window handling done at recipient level.
2. System will apply a compliance check for all the Facebook messages sent using templates having ‘Message Tag’ mapping.
3. Compliance checks for free flowing text messages as well as messages sent using templates not having ‘Message Tag’ mapping will be taken care of by the 24 hr session window handling at recipient level as already explained in the sections above.
4. You won’t be able to capture consents specific to messaging content type.On explicit Messenger opt-ins, recipients consents will be captured only against the Facebook senderID and system will check the same while you send Facebook outbound messages.