Add Template to Content Type

  1. On the Content Type page, under Templates, click View. The Templates pop-up window appears.
  2. Click Add Templates. The Add New Template page appears.

  4. Enter the details to create a new template.Refer to the section on Create New Template for more details.
  5. Click Create.The template is created.
  6. Under Converse Settings, click Compliance. The Compliance page appears.
  7. Click Step 2. The list of Content types appear.
  8. Under Templates, click View. The Templates pop-up window appears displaying the tagged template if you have already tagged it with the content type at the template creation stage.

    While creating templates, you can select the content type in the drop-down list.This will tag the template.


  10. If your templates are not tagged, click Add Templates. The Tag Template pop-up window appears.

  12. Select the template you want to tag.
  13. Click Apply. The Templates pop-up window appears displaying the tagged template.

  15. Click . The Content Type page appears displaying the Template column for the Content Type updated with 1 View.

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