Edit Message Object 1.58

  1. Log in to Salesforce and access SMS-Magic Converse.
  2. Click the Converse Settings tab.

  3. Click Message Configuration on the left. The Message Configuration page appears.
  4. Click Details next to the message object you want to edit. The configured object details appear.

  5. Click next to the object you want to edit. The edit view appears.

  6. You can do the following:
    • Select a name from the drop-down list to edit NAME FIELD.
    • Add or remove a phone option under the PHONE FIELDS column.
    • Select a different opt-in from the OPT-IN drop-down.
  7. Click Save.

    • The PHONE FIELDS column cannot be empty. You must provide at least one phone option.
    • The Opt-In/Opt-Out field is not relevant for users who are using the new compliance features.

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