Send Bulk SMS Button
You can also add a Send Bulk SMS Button on the Record List view.
To create the Send Bulk SMS Button:
To create the Send Bulk SMS Button:
- On the app portal main menu click Get Started and then click Step 3 Configure. The Button Configurationsection appears.
- Under Choose Module, select the module where you want to add the button. For example, Contacts
- Under Choose Phone Field, select Mobile.
- Click Generate Send SMS URL.
- Copy the URL that is generated.
- In your Zoho CRM account, under the Contacts module, select all the contacts to whom you want to send the message.The Send SMS button is enabled.
- Click next to Send SMS and then select Create button. The Links and Buttons tab page appears.
- Enter the details for creating the button:
- Button Name: Type a Name for the button. For example, Bulk SMS Button.
- Placement of Button: Choose a location where you want to see the button. For example, List View Page.
- Action: Choose Invoke a URL. The Construct a URL section appears.
- Paste the URL copied earlier or use the given URLs depending on the module you have selected:
URL for creating button on Leads:${Leads.Lead Id}&phoneField=Mobile&objectName=Leads-
URL for creating button on Contacts:${Contacts.Contact Id}&phoneField=Mobile&objectName=Contacts -
URL for creating button on Accounts:${Accounts.Account Id}&phoneField=Phone&objectName=Accounts
- Under Where do you want to show the content of the button action? select New Tab.
- Specify the profiles to whom you want the button to be visible.
- Click Save. The Contact setup page appears as shown displaying the newly created button.