CRM driven messaging
5 Benefits of CRM Driven Messaging

Integrating messaging with your CRM allows you to generate conversations across many channels, including text messaging, Facebook and WhatsApp. It’s the easiest way to connect with your audience via their preferred channel. The use of digital channels is growing increasingly. Sales leaders on average rate digital channels approximately twice as important now as they were

Problems with process builders
The Problems with Process Builders

West all know that Salesforce Process Builder is the foundation of automating workflows, including automated SMS text messaging. We also know the problems with Process Builders; they’re sophistication means they’re more likely to fail when you least expect it, or want it. Yes, Salesforce triggers emails to an admin when a process or flow builder

SMS messages
5 Reasons a SMS Tool For Call Centers is Gaining T...

When it comes to service, customers want results—and they want them fast. That’s why a SMS tool for call centers can make all the difference. Research from Marketing Strategies International found that 46% of consumers prefer texting for customer service over phone or email. For millennials, this percentage preferring text for customer to business communications

SMS messages
Automation Isn’t Just for Email: SMS Messages Ga...

Marketing automation has allowed both B2C and B2B marketers to get more value from email marketing. You get to educate your audience in an ongoing fashion, even as you capture more in-depth data and insights into why people view and respond to your content. There’s a problem though. As more email has been sent, inboxes

SMS messages
Smart Sellers Use SMS Messages to Increase Convers...

Consumers are putting the pressure on sellers for real-time responsiveness via SMS messages. Your customers are demanding fast, frictionless buying experiences. They expect the brands they interact with to deliver. Just as they expect service to include digital self-service, they now want help and information from sales reps through more interactive digital and mobile channels,

Start Sales Conversations Straight from Your CRM

For every dollar your management invests in a CRM system, they expect you to get more than a 5X return. Your sales team can contribute to this ROI by embracing the CRM as a valuable part of their daily sales activities. Integrating business messaging with your CRM is one way to help salespeople use it as

SMS messages
The Role of SMS Messages in the Future of Sales

Earlier this summer, Salesforce published 9 trends that will have the most impact on the future of sales. This post focuses on Trend 4: Modern selling continues to expand into more digital channels, including SMS messages. Their assertion is that channels previously reserved for just marketing and customer service—including business text messaging—will now be just

SMS messages
Use SMS Messages to Grow Loyalty Program Engagemen...

The overwhelming majority (88%) of consumers belong to five or less loyalty programs. But 65% of them say they engage with less than half the loyalty programs to which they belong. While executives attribute this lack of use to competing loyalty programs, continued use of physical cards, and a lack of understanding the best contact

SMS tools for call centers
Why Call Centers Must Use a SMS Tool For Contact C...

Consumers want to be served on the channels they use every day, not those that happen to be convenient for your business. Research conducted with contact centers conclude that they’re enabling messaging channels for customer service, but consumers say the reality just isn’t so. What’s interesting is, if a majority of organizations have enabled digital