Messages with empathy
Messages with Empathy Show Customers You Care

Customers who are emotionally connected are more than double[1] the value of highly satisfied customers, on a lifetime basis, according to Harvard Business Review (HBR). Empathy gets a lot of lip service from marketers and salespeople, but to grow our companies we need to actually show empathy for our customers with messaging that resonates over

Advanced messaging platform
Advanced Messaging Platforms and Marketing Automat...

Prospects and customers are more elusive than ever. As the volume of communications goes up, they’re adopting more tools to block out brands competing for their attention. DVRs make it easy to skip TV ads, Caller IDs enable us to skip calls from unknown numbers, Ad Blockers help us avoid online ads, email inboxes have

SMS messages
Shorten Your Sales Cycles with SMS Messages

How do sales reps keep prospect interest high and momentum moving toward purchase? The answer is always within easy reach — SMS messages With more than 64% of customers preferring business communication over texting, it’s time that sales teams use SMS messages to follow up with their prospects. When the sales team sends personalized and

SMS messages
Use SMS Messages in Salesforce to Drive Revenue

Mobile messaging through SMS messages is becoming the fastest means of communication on this planet. Just think how long it takes between your phone chiming for an incoming text and your hand moving towards it. What if you help your clients connect with their customers via mobile messaging? Thanks to 98% open rate and 45%