SMS messaging
6 SMS Messaging Tips for Your 2020 Mobile Marketin...

Did you know that 54% of consumers want marketing SMS messages but only 11% of businesses send them? Companies failing to use SMS messaging are seriously missing out on giving the  personal touch that sets them apart. If you’re not already using text messaging, add it to your marketing strategy for 2020. Already using it?

SMS messages
How SMS Messages Add a Personal Touch to Your Loya...

The average consumer belongs to 13 loyalty programs, but is only active in about 7. SMS messages can help ensure that your loyalty program is one that your customers love, instead of one they sign up for and never return to. Text messaging gives companies the power to increase engagement in loyalty programs. Loyalty programs

SMS messaging
A Better Personal Touch with Full Context SMS Mess...

You want to offer customers a great experience with a personal touch. SMS messaging gives you just that opportunity. You can be responsive, knowledgeable, and truly show you care about their individual needs. When you have the right SMS messaging solution. We all know that every customer journey is unique. You can’t assume everyone sees

SMS messages
The Alphabet Soup of SMS vs MMS

If you’re like most of our customers, you’re wondering what’s up with the alphabet soup of SMS vs MMS. Can’t tech people find an easier way to explain things? That’s just what we wanted to do in this article. Answer that simple question, without all the acronyms. What is SMS? SMS is an acronym that

SMS messages
Even The Birds Are Sending SMS Messages

Are SMS messages going to the birds? Looks like it! Seriously though, this article shows you how powerful SMS messages can be. One highly adventurous eagle, named Min, was outfitted with a tracker that sends SMS messages back to home base, according to Min’s geo location. What a cool way to use messaging! The challenge?

SMS messages
11 Ways to Use SMS Messages for Marketing Results

Conversational text messaging is the fastest growing marketing channel on the planet. Why? It’s a natural form of communication. Which is why 99% of us send SMS messages every single day. There are so many ways to use text messaging for marketing to attract and engage your buyers. The only limits are in your imagination!