SMS messages
11 Ways to Use SMS Messages for Marketing Results

Conversational text messaging is the fastest growing marketing channel on the planet. Why? It’s a natural form of communication. Which is why 99% of us send SMS messages every single day. There are so many ways to use text messaging for marketing to attract and engage your buyers. The only limits are in your imagination!

SMS messages
How to Use SMS Messages to Engage Customers

SMS messages are a personal way to engage your customers. Since over 85% of customers would prefer texting versus email or phone calls, you’ll be communicating with them in the way they prefer. Even better, texting is such a natural way to converse; you’ll get 6x the responses you’d get with email. With SMS text

SMS messages
7 Do’s and Don’ts for SMS Messages

Understanding and following a few simple best practices will help ensure your success with SMS messages. Following are a few of the initial best practices we share with new customers. These simple dos and don’ts will give you a head start on your own conversational text messaging programs. Getting Started with SMS Messages 1. Follow

SMS messages
Use SMS Messages in Salesforce to Drive Revenue

Mobile messaging through SMS messages is becoming the fastest means of communication on this planet. Just think how long it takes between your phone chiming for an incoming text and your hand moving towards it. What if you help your clients connect with their customers via mobile messaging? Thanks to 98% open rate and 45%

SMS messages
How Retailers Use SMS Messages to Engage and Retai...

With so many brands vying for buyers’ mindshare, it has become extremely tough for retailers to attract and engage customers, that is, until SMS messages came around. Multiple options for a single product makes customers switch brands easily and retailers are therefore constantly coming up with new deals and offers to woo buyers. The challenge,

SMS messages
The Future of Conversational Messaging and SMS Mes...

SMS Messages: The Future of 2-Way Business Communication Messaging and Salesforce Einstein shared centerstage at Dreamforce ’16. Marc Benioff spoke about how many of us prefer to communicate with mobile messaging, yet many companies “are not equipped to have conversations on this highly personal channel.” Conversational communication creates a “two-way dialogue” on the “channel that