SMS messages
What You Need to Know about Carrier Regulations fo...

In our last post, we discussed text messaging compliance for country-specific legal regulations. This post expands on that and focuses on carrier regulations for SMS Messages. Text messages are not like emails, which are sent easily across the internet. You must follow the text messaging regulations for the recipient’s carrier to assure your messages are

Campaigns and Automations So Simple that Anyone ca...

By now, most companies understand the value of adding SMS messages as a communication channel. With such great open, read, and response rates, it’s really a no-brainer that messaging is the new channel. Marketing, Sales and Service teams in all industries and company sizes are leveraging text messaging to better connect with their audiences and

SMS messages
8 Key Elements for Successful SMS Messages & ...

As a business owner, you’re always looking for unique ways to market your product and company. From your website to email, social media, and your blog, you’ve tried to keep up as channels expand but it’s getting even more difficult to effectively connect with your customers. It’s time to consider how marketing with SMS messages can

SMS messages
Give Lead Nurturing Programs a Boost with SMS Mess...

Can a relationship last if it’s only one way? Relationships deepen when both sides get to know each other better. It takes an ongoing conversation to create the levels of engagement needed to convert prospects into customers. Especially, in the case of your lead nurturing programs. If a lead is not opening an email, it’s

SMS messages
Smart Sellers Use SMS Messages to Increase Convers...

Consumers are putting the pressure on sellers for real-time responsiveness via SMS messages. Your customers are demanding fast, frictionless buying experiences. They expect the brands they interact with to deliver. Just as they expect service to include digital self-service, they now want help and information from sales reps through more interactive digital and mobile channels,

Compliance for sms messages
4 Tips for Opt-In Compliance for SMS Messages

One of the concerns we hear most from companies considering using SMS messages is about compliance. The consensus is that achieving compliance is too hard, so therefore, they can’t use text messaging to grow their business. With the Converse platform, compliance is simplified and automated to ensure that you’ve properly received and recorded consent from

Event sms messages
Increase Audience Engagement with Event SMS Messag...

Events are growing in importance to organizational success. Bizzabo’s Event Marketing 2018 research found that 87% of C-Suite executives believe in the power of live events and 86% of event marketers believe that technology can have a powerful impact on the success of their events. Event text messaging is an interactive, intelligent approach to the

SMS messages
SMS Messages Increase Marketing Efficiency

For years, marketers have ranked email as their top performing marketing channel. As text messaging platforms evolve and consumers’ preferences continue to skew toward speed and immediacy, SMS messages will give email a run for its money. Take a look at the time it takes for businesses to plan, create, test, and send emails, then

SMS messages
SMS Messages Strategy : Less Frequency, More Quali...

SMS messages are the preferred communication channel for most people with a smartphone—which is pretty much most of us. It’s quick, non-intrusive, and at its best, no nonsense. With an SMS messages strategy, you can take advantage of text messaging attributes by focusing more on quality and less on frequency. Let’s face it; no one