SMS messages
SMS Messages Strategy : Less Frequency, More Quali...

SMS messages are the preferred communication channel for most people with a smartphone—which is pretty much most of us. It’s quick, non-intrusive, and at its best, no nonsense. With an SMS messages strategy, you can take advantage of text messaging attributes by focusing more on quality and less on frequency. Let’s face it; no one

Best practices for sms messages
7 Campaign Best Practices for SMS Messages

Conversational text messaging is a growing preference for consumers with brands they want to hear from. Like any channel or mode of communication, there is etiquette to follow. Some of it is based on regulatory requirements and other parts of it are useful for building engagement, reach, and relationships with your prospects and customers. The

Texting for business
Why Texting for Business Works

Before I get into the advantages and how and why texting works like a charm, here is a snapshot of why you should consider texting for business. Open Rates for Emails: 18% on average Open Rates for Texts: Above 98% on average An average individual checks his emails 18 times a day while he checks

SMS messages
Interactive Content vs. Purposeful Conversations w...

Interactive content has been touted as the future of storytelling for marketing. But consider putting the human in interactive content, transforming the experience to purposeful conversation with SMS messages. SnapApp defines interactive content as “Content that requires the participants’ active engagement — more than simply reading or watching. In return for that engagement, participants receive

SMS messages
Invite Customers to Start Conversations with SMS M...

Keywords are a concept that every marketer is familiar with, usually in relation to search engine optimization (SEO). But SMS messages give keywords a higher place of prominence for your audience. Instead of just sourcing information, texting a keyword allows customers to start a messaging conversation that is relevant to them in a way that

SMS campaign
3 Questions to Answer Before Starting Your Campaig...

SMS messages and texting is growing in preference as a communication channel between businesses, business professionals and consumers. However, conversational messaging for marketing is not the same as whipping out your smartphone to fire off a text to friends or family. An advanced messaging platform is a business tool that requires a strategy for your