Why Your Developers Will Love Working with SMS-Magic
Why Your Developers Will Love Working with SMS-Mag...

Have you noticed all the promises messaging companies have been making about how easy their product is to use? One reviewer we saw recently said he was delighted when he set up a new messaging service and could send a text message to his own phone. We’re delighted for him, too, but we wonder if

SMS messages
Smart Sellers Use SMS Messages to Increase Convers...

Consumers are putting the pressure on sellers for real-time responsiveness via SMS messages. Your customers are demanding fast, frictionless buying experiences. They expect the brands they interact with to deliver. Just as they expect service to include digital self-service, they now want help and information from sales reps through more interactive digital and mobile channels,

Start Sales Conversations Straight from Your CRM

For every dollar your management invests in a CRM system, they expect you to get more than a 5X return. Your sales team can contribute to this ROI by embracing the CRM as a valuable part of their daily sales activities. Integrating business messaging with your CRM is one way to help salespeople use it as

SMS messages
The Role of SMS Messages in the Future of Sales

Earlier this summer, Salesforce published 9 trends that will have the most impact on the future of sales. This post focuses on Trend 4: Modern selling continues to expand into more digital channels, including SMS messages. Their assertion is that channels previously reserved for just marketing and customer service—including business text messaging—will now be just