Text Messaging
Regulations for Text Messaging During Emergencies

We all know that text messaging compliance is a big deal. If not followed correctly you can face fines, lawsuits, angry customers, and loss of revenue. That said, in emergencies, those regulations have exceptions. During emergencies, such as the global pandemic we are currently experiencing, you can actually text people who have opted-out, something that

Text Messaging
Using Text Messaging to Reach Customers During Eme...

During times of crisis, it’s more important than ever to ensure communication channels are open and properly used. Text messaging is a great way to reach out and communicate with your audience about updates and critical information.  Text messaging is a powerful tool to build and maintain strong relationships. Today, when people are feeling isolated

Automated Message
How an Automated Message Solution will Create Bett...

When most customer experiences and satisfaction are declining, an automated message solution can dramatically improve how you interact with your customers. Research shows 59% of customers say that they have higher expectations for customer support than they had a year ago. And did you know that $75 billion is lost by businesses annually due to

Automated sales messaging
7 Tips For Increasing Sales Revenue with Automated...

Automated sales messaging can save you hours of time spent on tedious, manual tasks. Instead, your sales reps can spend that time giving customers a personal touch to improve sales results. The right omnichannel sales messaging solution will give your agents insights to immediately respond and engage with a powerful customer experience, while handling 10x

Automated Text Messaging Campaigns
5 Examples of Automated Text Messaging Campaigns

Marketing automation has become a must-have tool for businesses that want to grow and scale quickly, while maintaining solid customer relationships. In fact, 49% of all companies and 55% of B2B companies are currently using automated campaigns as part of their sales, customer support, and marketing strategies. Incorporating automated text messaging is the next step

Business Text Messaging
5 Tips for Buying Business Text Messaging for Your...

We all know researching new products can be a pain. So here’s our first tip for anyone purchasing business text messaging for sales reps or call centers: not all messaging products are created equal. Certainly not when it comes to handling sales conversations. Many of them promise the same capabilities but they don’t deliver the

Sales Leads
What Could You do With 10X More Sales Leads?

Companies rely on sales leads to stay in business. We’ve all been at those all-hands meetings where we are told “We all work for sales” and a huge emphasis is put on supporting the sales team. We work on generating new leads, creating sales enablement materials, building new requested features: whatever it takes to help

How to sell
How to Sell With SMS Messaging

We all trust that our sales reps know how to sell  Right? But are they up-to-date on what matters most to your buyers? Or are they like many of us, relying on the way we’ve always done it, because it’s worked for us before? The reality is that too many reps only focus on selling

SMS messaging
3 Ways To Quickly Get Personal with SMS Messaging

Personal conversations are the holy grail for any sales team. That’s just one reason sales is turning to SMS messaging for interactive conversations. It’s the channel people prefer. Especially in today’s world when people expect vendors to treat them as unique individuals, not the mass profiles we’ve come to think of as “personal.” Consumers are