Sales Leads
What Could You do With 10X More Sales Leads?

Companies rely on sales leads to stay in business. We’ve all been at those all-hands meetings where we are told “We all work for sales” and a huge emphasis is put on supporting the sales team. We work on generating new leads, creating sales enablement materials, building new requested features: whatever it takes to help

SMS messages
6 Ways to Accelerate Product Revenue with SMS Mess...

Finding new ways to increase product sales given the noise in today’s markets isn’t easy. SMS messages will make you stand out. You can cut through all of the noise with Converse Text Messaging solutions to expand your opportunity pipeline, convert sales faster, and capture customer loyalty. Use SMS messages to be the first to

Text messaging for sales
4 Simple Ways to Blend SMS into your Sales Process...

Sales teams are accustomed to leveraging emails and phone calls to communicate with their prospects. The challenge is that it’s becoming more and more difficult to engage and nurture leads because people are too busy for phone calls and emails often go unread. That’s why it’s so important to blend SMS into your sales processes

SMS messages
Smart Sellers Use SMS Messages to Increase Convers...

Consumers are putting the pressure on sellers for real-time responsiveness via SMS messages. Your customers are demanding fast, frictionless buying experiences. They expect the brands they interact with to deliver. Just as they expect service to include digital self-service, they now want help and information from sales reps through more interactive digital and mobile channels,

Start Sales Conversations Straight from Your CRM

For every dollar your management invests in a CRM system, they expect you to get more than a 5X return. Your sales team can contribute to this ROI by embracing the CRM as a valuable part of their daily sales activities. Integrating business messaging with your CRM is one way to help salespeople use it as

SMS messages
The Role of SMS Messages in the Future of Sales

Earlier this summer, Salesforce published 9 trends that will have the most impact on the future of sales. This post focuses on Trend 4: Modern selling continues to expand into more digital channels, including SMS messages. Their assertion is that channels previously reserved for just marketing and customer service—including business text messaging—will now be just

SMS messages
Real-Time Marketing and Sales with SMS Messages

Consumers’ expectations continue to become more demanding. They want fast responses and less effort required when communicating with the brands they favor. If you want to market in real time, your best choice is to use SMS messages. People check their phones every 15 minutes or so, even without the ping of a notification. Smartphones

SMS messages
Interactive Content vs. Purposeful Conversations w...

Interactive content has been touted as the future of storytelling for marketing. But consider putting the human in interactive content, transforming the experience to purposeful conversation with SMS messages. SnapApp defines interactive content as “Content that requires the participants’ active engagement — more than simply reading or watching. In return for that engagement, participants receive

SMS messages for business
Capitalize on the Immediacy of SMS Messages for Bu...

There are many different channels that can be used for marketing execution and distribution, from email to social media platforms to SMS messages for business. Each of them has different levels of responsiveness. Emails can sit in the inbox until a convenient time arises to respond. Social media is often something scanned, liked, and perhaps