Can a relationship last if it’s one way? Relationships deepen when both sides get to know each other better. It takes connected conversations to create the level of engagement needed to convert prospects into customers and keep them coming back for more. One channel limits your possibilities where an a multi-channel approach to lead nurturing
Consumers want to do business with companies they trust and relate to. Text messaging via nurturing campaigns helps you create relevant moments (interactions) that build trusted relationships and drive revenue. This article is part of our Become a Textpert series designed to help you kickstart your messaging expertise. Defining Nurturing A nurturing campaign is a
People are always interested in learning. The constraint that keeps them from doing so is often a lack of time. When’s the last time you had time to study a 20-page lesson or view a few hours of video instruction to learn something new? Imagine being able to learn a concept or a skill via
With the onset of GDPR, the way marketers are allowed to capture and use prospect data changes dramatically. This means we must compel our prospects to opt-in to let us communicate with them via our text messaging programs and using short code. Text messaging already gets a 6x response rate over emails. Which means that
You want to help your healthcare clients feel great. Wellness tips sent via SMS messages give you the perfect, simple way to share ideas with them. Even better, they’ll read them! SMS messages offer a natural way to converse with your clients. When you regularly reach out with relevant tips and information, you create a
Even though SMS Messages for business has been in play for years, it’s surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Some of the objections we hear include: Smartphones are personal devices. No one wants brands to text them. This simply isn’t true. Companies using messaging find that a solid majority of their prospects and customers want to
Prospects and customers are more elusive than ever. As the volume of communications goes up, they’re adopting more tools to block out brands competing for their attention. DVRs make it easy to skip TV ads, Caller IDs enable us to skip calls from unknown numbers, Ad Blockers help us avoid online ads, email inboxes have