SMS messaging
6 SMS Messaging Tips for Your 2020 Mobile Marketin...

Did you know that 54% of consumers want marketing SMS messages but only 11% of businesses send them? Companies failing to use SMS messaging are seriously missing out on giving the  personal touch that sets them apart. If you’re not already using text messaging, add it to your marketing strategy for 2020. Already using it?

SMS in business
What is SMS in Business?

People ask us so often what is SMS in business? Everyone is familiar with texting with friends and family but what does it look like when a business starts texting customers? This question usually comes in two parts: What is SMS from a technical standpoint and how do I use it in my business? What

sms messages
The Power of Context to Create Compelling Sales Co...

Today, customers expect personal conversations, especially in sales. That’s one reason SMS messages have become so popular. It’s a natural form of communication that feels more personal than email. Sales still needs to know all of the background information and history when talking with prospects. No one wants to repeat themselves or waste time getting

Text Messaging Compliance: We’ve Got You Covered...

Every business knows they need text messaging. Thing is, text messaging compliance is complicated and different than other channels. It can lead to big fines and undelivered messages if not followed correctly. The Risk of Violating Text Messaging Compliance Several big companies have had to learn this the hard way. Papa John’s: A $250 million

SMS messages
3 Misconceptions About SMS Messages

Your customers expect real-time responsiveness via SMS messages. That’s why business text is now the preferred channel by 74% of consumers. 80% of companies are already using business text messaging to connect with their audience. What are you waiting for? Chances are you’re like many businesses, believing urban legends about messaging. Here’s the thing. These

Problems with process builders
The Problems with Process Builders

West all know that Salesforce Process Builder is the foundation of automating workflows, including automated SMS text messaging. We also know the problems with Process Builders; they’re sophistication means they’re more likely to fail when you least expect it, or want it. Yes, Salesforce triggers emails to an admin when a process or flow builder

text message marketing
Grow Your Pipeline and Funnel Leads With Text Mess...

Text messaging is so much more than just quick messages. Text message marketing is a key way to grow your pipeline and move more leads to sales. When you blend text messaging with other marketing channels, such as email, you get more value from all your marketing programs. That’s why we make it easy to

Text messaging regulatory compliance
A Guide to Text Messaging Regulatory Compliance an...

The definition of regulatory compliance for text messaging varies by country around the globe businesses must meet a diversity of regulatory requirements for the geographies they do business within, or risk heavy fines and blocked communications. Understanding regulatory requirements for text messaging isn’t a one country fits all approach. Every country has a unique set

Compliance for text messaging
An Introduction to Compliance for Text Messaging i...

Compliance for text messaging in business is crucial, in more ways than many businesses realize. Ensuring that your business is continually adhering to often changing compliance laws can be daunting. And unlike emails and phone calls, text messaging compliance adds another layer of requirements, specifically the set of requirements set forth by carriers. Luckily, with