SMS Text Messaging
3 Ways Text Messaging Helps You Retain Customers

Business is quickly changing, and ensuring your customers are loyal and happy is increasingly important. Text messaging helps you retain customers through a clear and quick communication channel. With recent events, customer support teams have seen an influx of support tickets, cancellations, returns, service disruptions, and heightened levels of uncertainty. A recent report showed increases

Text message marketing
How to Write Better Messages for Text Message Mark...

We all know that text message marketing is a great way to connect with your audience, especially in the current business climate. But, with more companies jumping on board with text messaging, you want to make sure your messages are clear, to the point, and unintrusive. You don’t want customers or leads opting out just

Business Text Messaging
5 Ways Text Messaging Helps Drive Sales For Your B...

With text messaging you will stand out from your competitors by creating memorable and personal experiences through a preferred communication channel. This leads to a loyal customer base, and ultimately, more sales for your business. Did you know 9 out of 10 consumers prefer text messaging over other channels? And with a 98% open rate

Customer Loyalty
3 Ways SMS Boosts Customer Loyalty and Satisfactio...

The landscape of how businesses interact with customers is quickly shifting. In order to compete, companies are pivoting their business models and searching for ways to drive revenue. At the center of all of these changes one thing continues to ring true, customer loyalty and satisfaction are more important than ever before. “While good customer

The Role of SMS in the COVID-19 Pandemic

This time of global pandemic and social distancing has proven the importance of digital readiness for businesses. In order to continue generating revenue, companies must have the infrastructure to support this massive shift to a completely digitized world. SMS is proving to be one of the most important and effective ways to communicate with customers

Text Messaging Automation
Using Text Messaging Automation to Share Important...

Research shows that 78% of consumers say receiving a text message is the fastest way to reach them for important service updates and purchases. When it’s time to deliver critical information to your audience, texting is clearly the best way to communicate. Text messaging automation takes it one step further to ensure that your message

Text Messaging
Regulations for Text Messaging During Emergencies

We all know that text messaging compliance is a big deal. If not followed correctly you can face fines, lawsuits, angry customers, and loss of revenue. That said, in emergencies, those regulations have exceptions. During emergencies, such as the global pandemic we are currently experiencing, you can actually text people who have opted-out, something that

Text Messaging
Using Text Messaging to Reach Customers During Eme...

During times of crisis, it’s more important than ever to ensure communication channels are open and properly used. Text messaging is a great way to reach out and communicate with your audience about updates and critical information.  Text messaging is a powerful tool to build and maintain strong relationships. Today, when people are feeling isolated

Business Text Messaging
5 Tips for Buying Business Text Messaging for Your...

We all know researching new products can be a pain. So here’s our first tip for anyone purchasing business text messaging for sales reps or call centers: not all messaging products are created equal. Certainly not when it comes to handling sales conversations. Many of them promise the same capabilities but they don’t deliver the