SMS messages
How SMS Messages Enhance Nurturing Programs for Ma...

Can a relationship last if it’s one way? Relationships deepen when both people get to know each other better and it takes an ongoing conversation to create the levels of engagement needed to convert prospects into customers. Especially, in the case of your nurturing program. If a lead is not opening an email, it’s time

SMS texting
Use SMS Texting to Optimize Your Dreamforce Follow...

You are all set to have a blast at Dreamforce, the Super Bowl of Software. Your mind is spinning with the list of people you will meet, the conversations you’ll have and the promises you will make. You will come back to the reality of your office and send out emails to the thousands of

SMS messages
11 Ways to Use SMS Messages for Marketing Results

Conversational text messaging is the fastest growing marketing channel on the planet. Why? It’s a natural form of communication. Which is why 99% of us send SMS messages every single day. There are so many ways to use text messaging for marketing to attract and engage your buyers. The only limits are in your imagination!

SMS messages
How to Use SMS Messages to Engage Customers

SMS messages are a personal way to engage your customers. Since over 85% of customers would prefer texting versus email or phone calls, you’ll be communicating with them in the way they prefer. Even better, texting is such a natural way to converse; you’ll get 6x the responses you’d get with email. With SMS text

SMS messages
Your Marketing Strategy Needs SMS Messages

Are you loyal to one screen? We don’t think so. Neither is your customer. Millennials especially, switch between mobile phones and their laptops. They are the ‘mobile first’ generation. Millennials may be your current customers and will definitely be your future customers. You need to ask yourself whether your marketing strategy is using the means

SMS templates
Top 10 Messages for Etailers (SMS Templates)

E-commerce sales are slated to reach nearly $500 billion in 2018, according to eMarketer. Players will slug it out on factors like pricing and shipping. Customer loyalty will ensure you thrive, and texting enables you to leapfrog over your competition. SMS templates make it easy for you to ask questions that show your customers you

Automated text messages
How to Win Abandoned Shopping Carts with Automated...

You know the drill – Prospects visit your eCommerce website, browse through different product pages, toss a few items in the cart, go through the ratings and reviews section and finally, leave your site without making the purchase. Haven’t we all been this type of customer — window shoppers with no urgency to purchase! Statistics

9 Ways to Leverage The Power of MMS vs SMS Messagi...

A picture is worth a thousand words. Have you ever wondered why? That’s because our brains process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. How can you leverage the power of the visual medium? MMS messaging can help your business get an edge over the other brands that are vying for your audience’s attention. Use cases

SMS messages
How to use Text Marketing to Enhance Customer Enga...

With dwindling customer attention span and so many brands vying for customers’ mind space, how can an organization formulate a Customer Engagement Strategy that fetches them customer’s loyalty? Most organizations manage their customer data using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms like Salesforce, Zoho etc. Therefore, it is imperative that a Customer Engagement Strategy is skillfully