Learn to Text Now – Messaging Guides

Learn to text now with these messaging guides for marketing, sales, service and a variety of industries. Learning to text now is simple, thanks to proven approaches learned through our global customers.

Each guide shares the basics of text messaging for that specific function or industry, sample use cases for ideas on how to text now to grow your business revenue, as well as best practices recommendations to help you get started.

Text Messaging Compliance Kit

Download our Compliance Kit – featuring three guides that give you the insights, recommendations and questions you need to ask to be sure your messaging is compliant.

The Insider's Guide to SMS Templates

SMS templates accelerate your time-to-campaigns, increase sales effectiveness and assure fast customer support resolutions. Get everything you need to know here!

Create Customer Loyalty with SMS Text Messaging

Grow your business with these six simple steps to increase customer loyalty with messaging.

Regulatory Compliance for Messaging

Compliance with messaging regulations varies by country. Violations come with the risk of significant fines for your business. Get the details you need to ensure you’re compliant.

A Buyer’s Guide to Text Messaging Compliance
A Buyer’s Guide to Text Messaging Compliance

Text messaging compliance can be confusing. Regulations vary greatly by country, as do carrier requirements to assure message delivery.

Best Practices Guide to Text Messaging for Marketing

Learn how marketing can start that first conversation with 6x more prospects, then continue the conversation.

Best Practices Guide to Text Messaging for Sales

Learn how to grow your revenues by converting 40% more prospects with the power of conversational text messaging.

Best Practices Guide to Text Messaging for Service

Learn how to reduce your service cost, increase customer loyalty with conversational text messaging.

Start Messaging with SMS-Magic!