Text Messaging
Using Text Messaging to Reach Customers During Eme...

During times of crisis, it’s more important than ever to ensure communication channels are open and properly used. Text messaging is a great way to reach out and communicate with your audience about updates and critical information.  Text messaging is a powerful tool to build and maintain strong relationships. Today, when people are feeling isolated

Automated text messaging
3 Ways to Personalize Customer Experiences With Au...

In creating a winning customer experience, personalization is key. Automated messaging allows you to create unique, hyper-personalized conversations that will lead to measurable results for your company. Research shows 42% of Americans say that if a company doesn’t provide them with a personalized experience, they’re likely to switch brands. But what’s really interesting is that

Automated Text Messaging Campaigns
5 Examples of Automated Text Messaging Campaigns

Marketing automation has become a must-have tool for businesses that want to grow and scale quickly, while maintaining solid customer relationships. In fact, 49% of all companies and 55% of B2B companies are currently using automated campaigns as part of their sales, customer support, and marketing strategies. Incorporating automated text messaging is the next step

Business Text Messaging
5 Tips for Buying Business Text Messaging for Your...

We all know researching new products can be a pain. So here’s our first tip for anyone purchasing business text messaging for sales reps or call centers: not all messaging products are created equal. Certainly not when it comes to handling sales conversations. Many of them promise the same capabilities but they don’t deliver the

SMS in business
What is SMS in Business?

People ask us so often what is SMS in business? Everyone is familiar with texting with friends and family but what does it look like when a business starts texting customers? This question usually comes in two parts: What is SMS from a technical standpoint and how do I use it in my business? What

sms messages
The Power of Context to Create Compelling Sales Co...

Today, customers expect personal conversations, especially in sales. That’s one reason SMS messages have become so popular. It’s a natural form of communication that feels more personal than email. Sales still needs to know all of the background information and history when talking with prospects. No one wants to repeat themselves or waste time getting

SMS messages
3 Misconceptions About SMS Messages

Your customers expect real-time responsiveness via SMS messages. That’s why business text is now the preferred channel by 74% of consumers. 80% of companies are already using business text messaging to connect with their audience. What are you waiting for? Chances are you’re like many businesses, believing urban legends about messaging. Here’s the thing. These