We’ve been talking about the intricacies of regulatory and carrier text messaging compliance. We’ve learned with our customers that a good way to understand compliant text messaging is by applying it to real world processes. This post shares an example of the flow as a prospect moves from marketing to sales and then to service, as a customer. We’ll look at applications of both regulatory and carrier compliance.
Most consent happens within marketing, when new leads reach out to contact you thanks to an opt-in promotion, a web form, an offer of a free trial of your offering, a blog post or through referrals.
For reps, compliance usually focuses on the content of the messages themselves. In organizations that use marketing messaging, sales should already have consent to text message with a prospect that moves into their pipeline. However, some organizations use messaging opt-ins to create new sales leads directly from the opt-in. The regulatory compliance recommendations below assume the latter scenario.
Sales messaging is highly interactive. Be sure that rep messages are deliverable by your carrier.
Text messaging empowers support reps to handle 10:1 the volume of customer requests vs what they can handle with phone calls alone. Even more important, customers prefer text messaging.
For this example, we are going to assume that support reps do not send any messages that do not already have consent.
The key carrier criteria to assure message delivery include:
We’ve created a Buyer’s Guide to Text Messaging Compliance that shares insights into what you need to know, best practices recommendations for text messaging and a set of questions to ask your vendors to assure you will meet regulatory and carrier compliance. Click below to download this powerful asset!
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Get the insights, best practices recommendations and questions you need to ask to be sure your messaging is compliant.
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