Problems with process builders
The Problems with Process Builders

West all know that Salesforce Process Builder is the foundation of automating workflows, including automated SMS text messaging. We also know the problems with Process Builders; they’re sophistication means they’re more likely to fail when you least expect it, or want it. Yes, Salesforce triggers emails to an admin when a process or flow builder

text messaging compliance
How Compliant Text Messaging Works

Every business knows they need compliant text messaging. 74% of your customers demand it. Compliance in messaging is critical, and very costly if you don’t get it right. Compliant text messaging involves both regulatory and carrier compliance. Violating regulatory laws results in significant fines and lawsuits. Violating carrier requirements results in messages not delivered, higher

SMS messages
Compliant Text Messaging for Marketing, Sales and ...

We’ve been talking about the intricacies of regulatory and carrier text messaging compliance. We’ve learned with our customers that a good way to understand compliant text messaging is by applying it to real world processes. This post shares an example of the flow as a prospect moves from marketing to sales and then to service,