Best real estate text messages
Automate Documentation With the Best Real Estate T...

Real estate agents have their hands full managing complexity of all the forms and documentation they need to finalize the contract on a commercial or residential property. Automating documentation with the best real estate text messages can help save time because we know the effort of tracking all those documents, reminding clients to send specific

SMS messages
Use SMS Messages to Engage Donors in Fundraising

Raising funds for your charity or non-profit is made simpler with SMS messages. Two-way messaging helps you organize your donors to raise more funds for individual projects and for general funding. Your donors believe in you. That’s why they contribute to your projects. Their enthusiasm can help you find more donors, raise more funds, and

SMS messages
Deliver Fast Customer Service with SMS Messages

The timeframe expectations for customer response are shrinking. If your customer must wait endlessly to be heard on calls and then has to repeatedly explain the issue to different service agents every time he or she calls, they lose confidence in you. That’s when they look for an alternative. SMS messages offer the fastest time-to-response

SMS messages
SMS Messages Increase Marketing Efficiency

For years, marketers have ranked email as their top performing marketing channel. As text messaging platforms evolve and consumers’ preferences continue to skew toward speed and immediacy, SMS messages will give email a run for its money. Take a look at the time it takes for businesses to plan, create, test, and send emails, then