Consumers’ expectations continue to become more demanding. They want fast responses and less effort required when communicating with the brands they favor. If you want to market in real time, your best choice is to use SMS messages. People check their phones every 15 minutes or so, even without the ping of a notification. Smartphones
With the onset of GDPR, the way marketers are allowed to capture and use prospect data changes dramatically. This means we must compel our prospects to opt-in to let us communicate with them via our text messaging programs and using short code. Text messaging already gets a 6x response rate over emails. Which means that
Before I get into the advantages and how and why texting works like a charm, here is a snapshot of why you should consider texting for business. Open Rates for Emails: 18% on average Open Rates for Texts: Above 98% on average An average individual checks his emails 18 times a day while he checks
Interactive content has been touted as the future of storytelling for marketing. But consider putting the human in interactive content, transforming the experience to purposeful conversation with SMS messages. SnapApp defines interactive content as “Content that requires the participants’ active engagement — more than simply reading or watching. In return for that engagement, participants receive